What I Remember

Pointed shadows chased from corners by a father full of softness, but behind the mirrors lurk the ones who aim…


Come on now, you’re sworn to truth. Was she really a psycho, or just reacting to your shit? It is…

The View from Up Here

When each day turned black and the stars burnt holes in the sky, like ash from a lit cigarette, their…

Mirror, Mirror

Illusion and Reality are sisters, I believe. Their difference being that one resides on a sodden throne and favours the…

Earthly Pleasures!

I miss the tremor from bass speakers that link their fingertips between each rib and shake hard. Pad my insides…

2 weeks

Sifting through faces in public places to match the wanted poster in my head But the slugs would descend at…


The whispering of tumbleweed dancing around my brain, taunting, poking holes in skull and scratching at the pain How skeletal she’s…


We feed from eachother –Fruits of the womb.Our minds meeting,A binding of souls exhumed. An earthly pull,Forever present; always thereDuring…